aTOPlab works in different ways with the population:
- Evaluation, study and advice on assistive products
- Differentiated interventions using the different technologies available
- Implementation of projects that promote the occupational performance of people with functional diversity
- Digital Empowerment of people with functional diversity (INCLUI and EUSOUDIGITAL Programmes)
The multidisciplinary team has at its disposal a set of assistive products to evaluate, study, and test with any person requesting support. The evaluation and counselling can also be articulated with the partner companies, to take advantage of the experimentation of other products considered more adequate, with the collaboration of their specialised collaborators.
The technicians and students in clinical education provide support within the scope of motor and cognitive rehabilitation for disorders of various aetiologies. In particular, aTOPlab also proposes to provide therapeutic and (re)habilitative intervention using technologies.
Collective projects can be implemented in the community and/or in individual cases requiring the implementation of assistive technologies.
It is worth mentioning the action within the scope of the “Inclui” Space, supported by the Altice Foundation, in which it will be possible to promote access and training to digital environments (social, leisure, work and educational) and to augmentative and alternative communication.
All interventions are preceded by prior evaluation and studies.