aTOPlab works in different ways with the population: The multidisciplinary...
The aTOPlab – Assistive Technology and Occupational Performance Laboratory is a structure that congregates research, training and extension activities to the community in the area of Technologies and Assistive Products and that is vocationed for the study, evaluation and counselling of support products more adequate for the occupational performance of any person that has any type of functional limitation.
The aTOPlab also proposes to provide therapeutic and (re)habilitative support by means of technologies. In particular, through the Espaço INCLUI, supported by the Altice Foundation, it will be possible to promote access and training in digital environments (social, leisure, work and educational) and in augmentative and alternative communication.
Created to serve the whole community (students, teachers and researchers from any organic unit) of the Polytechnic of Leiria, it is based on a synergy between ESSLei – School of Health Sciences and ciTechCare – Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology.
In this project, we count on the collaboration of companies and institutions in the community (Fundação Altice, Gameiros, Invacare, Tsimetria and TotalMobility) as a distinctive factor, highlighting the strategic nature of applied research and reinforcing the commitment to social responsibility of the entities involved.